Integrated QR code scanner to look up items and locations for valet storage
Valet storage
Operators should have the ability to use a QR scanner (internal or external hardware) to scan an item and pull it up within Storeganise. Or to scan a location and find the item that it corresponds with.
changed title "Integrated QR code scanner "description "ItOperators should have theabilitytouse a QR code scanner in"Items"tabinsteadofenter(internalorexternalhardware)toscanan item IDmanually. ~~~~ "
I would like to be able to scan the items in the rack location in the warehouse where I store them... Putting the location manually is very dangerous, human error is a big factor here.
changed title "Integrated QR code scanner "description "
ItOperators should have the ability to use a QRcodescannerin"Items"tabinsteadofenter(internal or external hardware) to scan an itemIDmanually.~~~~ "I would like to be able to scan the items in the rack location in the warehouse where I store them... Putting the location manually is very dangerous, human error is a big factor here.
changed category from "Improvements" to "Valet storage"